Herrmann family

Neustraße 92, 54290 Trier
Herrmann family, 1
Herrmann family, 2
Herrmann family, 3

Ten Stolpersteine are located in Neustraße in front of house no. 92. They are part of a project by the Cologne artist Gunter Demnig, who began in 1996 to set 10×10 cm brass plates for victims of National Socialism into the ground at the place where the person lived for the last time by choice. These are Sinti and Roma, sick and disabled people, political opponents, priests, homosexuals, conscientious objectors, Wehrmacht deserters, but above all Jews. Since then, Gunter Demnig has laid 70,000 Stolpersteine, more than 200 of them in Trier.

Five of the Stolpersteine in Neustraße 92 commemorate the Jewish Herrmann family. They ran a men's clothing shop first in Simeonstraße and then in Neustraße. The respected merchant Jakob Herrmann, born in 1886, was married to Hedwig David from Luxembourg. They had two sons, Robert and Bernhard. Hedwig died at a young age, and Jakob then married her younger sister Irma; the couple had a son, Erich. Just eight weeks after Hitler seized power, the businesses of Jewish owners were boycotted throughout the Reich and also in Trier. In 1936, the Herrmanns gave up their business and moved to Luxembourg.

On 10 May 1940, German soldiers of the Wehrmacht invaded Luxembourg, France and Belgium, and the family again fell under Nazi rule. We then find them a year later, on 16 October 1941, on the list of a train taking Jews from Luxembourg via Trier to the ghetto in Polish, German-occupied Łódź. Jakob Herrmann was killed weeks after the train arrived in the ghetto, he was 55 years old. On the same day, his 12-year-old son Erich died by violence. Son Robert died in the ghetto in 1942 at the age of 17. Irma also perished in the ghetto, her date of death is unknown. The last survivor, 21-year-old son Bernhard, was taken from the Łódź ghetto to the Chelmno extermination camp in 1944, where he was gassed.

This ends the story of the Herrmann family from Trier, but thanks to the Stolpersteine, the memory of them and their fate has not been erased, and in 2010 relatives from Germany and the USA gathered here for a tribute ceremony.

Author: Thomas Zuche
Editorial staff: Prof. Dr. Frank G. Hirschmann


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